Thursday afternoon, April 17th, catch the PART TIME PUNKS radio show special focusing on Acute Records. PART TIME PUNKS is the DJ partnership of Benny Shambles and Michael Stock. It’s a club night every Sunday at The Echo in LA, and it’s a radio show Thursdays on KXLU 88.9 FM from 2pm to 6pm PST (or 5pm to 9pm Eastern, or as I call it, normal time). So if you’re in the LA area thursday, be sure to tune in and if you’re anywhere else, you can stream at the KXLU website.
Benny Shambles and Michael Stock, photo: Alex Prager
And what’s so special? Well, they’ll be playing selections from many of Acute’s great releases, as well as some likeminded stuff such as the bands that got me into all of this like the Homosexuals and the Desperate Bicycles. They’ll also be playing some Carpark and Paw Tracks stuff, to make sure KXLU’s ASCAP reporting fills the fat pockets of my partner Todd Carpark. Even more special, they’ll be playing not only tracks off our upcoming CD Memory Span by The Lines, but some demo and unreleased material, including a track from the never released lost “3rd album”. And if that wasn’t enough, there will be a few CD giveaways. And if you act now, you get a second Flowbee, the Showtime Rotisserie and the football phone. Hurry while this offer lasts!
So spread the word. More info about The Lines releases coming to this website very soon.
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